- Traffic accident.
- Impact/falling objects (trees, stones, etc.).
- Fire, explosion.
- Criminal acts by third parties.
- Natural disasters (flood, storm, hurricane, heavy rain, hail, heavy snowfall, landslide, mudslide, lightning strike, earthquake).
- Violation of traffic rules by passing a red traffic light.
- Violation of traffic rules by driving against the established direction.
- Violation of speed limits.
Product features:
- A report from the Traffic Police is not required when the amount of damage does not exceed 5% of the insured amount (except for insured events resulting from traffic accidents involving third parties, fire, explosion, or criminal acts by third parties).
- Towing expenses are covered.
- Assessment costs are covered.
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What to do in the event of an insurance case
- Inform us immediately at the short number 1166
- Report the event to the competent authorities (DIA, OPO, etc.) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Not to make any movements of the damaged vehicle
- Lodge your damaged car to us for inspection before you start the restoration work
- Send us an application for payment of insurance compensation, which the following documents must be attached
- insurance policy or a copy
- materials (a ruling, indictment, judgment, or other)
- copy of the certificate of registration of the insured vehicle (technical passport)
- copies of the passport or other document certifying the identity of the driver
- material damage assessment report
* Depending on the terms of the contract, the list of documents and actions may vary.
We remind you: Submission of documents mentioned in the subparagraph above is not obligatory if the amount of damage does not exceed 5% (five percent) of the insured sum, and the damage was not caused as a result of an accident with participation of third parties, fire and explosion.

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