Gross Insurance has launched the sale of E-policies

Gross Insurance has launched the sale of E-policies. This means that customers no longer need to buy compulsory car insurance at the company's offices or wait for policy delivery to use their personal vehicle without restrictions.
E-policy is an electronic policy of civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (MTPL). Now you can buy this policy online at or in Gross Mobile app. When purchasing you can choose any form of payment. The E-policy is equivalent to a paper policy and is valid for one year. All you need to do is save the policy on your phone or print it out.
E-policy is not afraid to lose, forget or spoil it. All policies purchased from Gross Insurance can be tracked in your personal account on the company's website or in the Gross Mobile application.
Registration and sale of E-policies are carried out on the basis of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 780 "On additional measures to improve the provision of electronic insurance services. You may read the decree by following the link. All subdivisions of the State Automobile Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been instructed to accept electronic insurance policies (E-policies).
2020 has changed the way we think about the world. The volume of the online services market is growing every day, and people are feeling all its benefits.
Last year was a significant one for Gross Insurance. New realities dictated its conditions, and the company in a short period of time transferred most of its work online, making insurance services even more convenient for consumers. In this connection, Gross Insurance was recognized by Global Banking & Finance Review as "Best Online Insurance Company in Uzbekistan" and "Best Tourism Insurance Company in Uzbekistan" according to 2020, as well as "Best Mobile Insurance App" in 2021.
Gross Insurance was also recognized by consumers and experts as "Brand of the Year 2020.
Today the company has 120 branches throughout the country, which provide more than 100 types of insurance products. For Gross Insurance clients there is 24/7/365 service support on a single short number 1166.