GROSS INSURANCE in order to provide charitable assistance and subsequent donation announces a tender

The insurance company GROSS INSURANCE, in order to provide charitable assistance and subsequent donation, announces a tender for the purchase of the following medical equipment for equipping the 2-City Children's Surgical Clinical Hospital: ⠀
• Vacuum suction MQ310 W in the amount of 4 pcs.
• Apparatus for galvanic therapy and medicinal electrophoresis "STREAM" in the amount of 4 pcs.
• Apparatus for local darsonvalization "DARSON" in the amount of 4 pcs.
• Cardiomonitor Comen Star 8000A model (China) in the amount of 5 pcs.
• Electrosurgical Generator 200W Shalya LX (India) in the amount of 1 piece.
Bids are accepted until 15.09.2019. at the address Republic of Uzbekistan, 100000 Tashkent, st. A. Temur, ave. 1.6. Phone: 1166, E-mail:
Responsible person: Nazira Kholmatova - E-mail:, Artem Kireev (+998 97) 4119151